Nursing Career Guide

Nursing is a great career. Nurses are there when a baby takes its first breath and when an elderly patient takes his last. No other profession offers so much diversity and opportunity. Explore the endless possibilities of a nursing career, education requirements, and earning potential.

Nursing Programs

Whether you are a recent high school graduate or an adult who plans to return back to school, there are nursing programs that are right for you. Once you decide on the type of nursing degree you want to pursue use our nursing programs database to find schools that will help you earn your degree.

Scholarships Database

Nursing school is not cheap. An entry-level nursing degree, such as ADN costs between $10,000 and $50,000. Luckily state and federal governments provide grants and loans that can be used to finance your education. Start by applying to FAFSA and use our scholarships database to look for additional money.

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Nursing Career Spotlight
Circulating Nurse

circulating nurseInside the surgery room, the patient is powerless—incapable of making a decision on his or her own, and hence, the circulating nurse acts as the patient advocate while the patient is under the influence of anesthesia. The Nurse Circulator ensures safety of patient within the period of operation. Perioperative nursing is a unique type of nursing specialty and an essential member of the surgery team. The circulating nurse works by collaborating with other members of the team including the anesthesiologist, surgeon, surgical technologist, surgical assistant, and other personnel. They render expert pre-, intra- and post-operative nursing service. 

Perioperative nursing is a nursing specialty requiring a distinct set of skills and knowledge through specialized education and training. The RN Circulator plans and performs all nursing care for [...]

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